

In 2021, a decision was made on the need to detail the content of values while maintaining their number and the basic name CREDO. They were updated with the involvement of the Company’s top management, and as a result of the strategic session held, the meanings and content of each of the five values were updated.


it is taking into account the requests of our colleagues and clients, their active solution. By following this value, we provide:

  • Effective development of the Company’s products and services through an in-depth understanding of market trends and current and future customer needs.
  • Development of the client base by increasing the level of satisfaction of external and internal clients with the quality of services, services and solutions provided to them.
  • Increasing the revenue by finding and implementing mutually beneficial terms of cooperation with both our clients and within our company.
  • Forming long-term relationships with clients and counterparties, based on the principles of partnership and cooperation.

it is a persistent and responsible achievement of the goal. By following this value, we provide:

  • Increasing the company’s financial results by setting and cascading clear and ambitious goals at all levels of management.
  • Increasing the level of involvement and the proportion of employees who are proactively involved in solving urgent business problems.
  • Increasing the speed of making and implementing decisions necessary to achieve goals.

it is about finding the best ways to solve your problem and the elimination of imperfections in current processes. By following this value, we provide:

  • Increasing the attractiveness and competitiveness of the company’s products and services through the search for and implementation of new promising ideas.
  • Improving the efficiency of business processes in the course of continuous improvement of existing practices, processes and parameters of their results.
  • Reduced time to develop innovations as a result of built practices of experimentation, learning from lessons and improving results.
  • Increasing the speed of implementation of changes through the active involvement of all employees involved in changing processes and working practices.

it is the ability to look at the task through the prism of analytics and find digital paths to success. By following this value, we provide:

  • A radical increase in the quality of decisions made as a result of the use of interfaces, models and algorithms for data analysis.
  • A multiple increase in the speed of work processes and solving business problems through the use of digital interfaces, services and devices.
  • Increasing the transparency of business processes and the speed of response to deviations through access to analytics and reports from BI systems.
  • Reducing the cost of processes as a result of the introduction of digital tools and platforms for solving everyday work tasks.

it is respect for colleagues and involvement in joint work, taking into account the potential of each. By following this value, we provide:

  • Increasing the involvement of personnel, their desire to show their talents as a result of the formation of a constructive and friendly atmosphere of interaction.
  • Increasing the attractiveness of the employer brand and the ability to attract the best professionals from the labor market by creating a barrier-free development environment.
  • Reducing the transaction costs of the company due to the well-coordinated work of professionals from different departments.
  • Increasing company performance by openly discussing complex issues and adjusting behavior as a result of receiving feedback.

To continue the work and move to the next stage of the transformation of the corporate culture “BEHAVIOUR” in 2022, a master class was held on the following topics:

  • conducting a study of the “depth of penetration” of values in the working behavior of employees;
  • changing managerial practices in accordance with the renewed values;
  • changing the behavior of employees in accordance with the renewed values.

After the implementation of this master class the Company held five in-person master classes on the topic: “Elaboration of the content of values, methods and plans for their implementation”.

The following tasks were considered at the master-classes:

  • Description of the target model of behavior of employees of different categories according to updated corporate values of Kazakhtelecom JSC.
  • Analysis of compliance of actual behavior of employees with the target behavior model and discussion of key barriers for its implementation.
  • Development of initiatives and principles of work necessary to overcome barriers and form target behavior of employees of different categories.

Based on the results of the master classes, a meeting was held on the topic: “Elaboration of the content of values, methods and plans for their implementation” and behavioral indicators for updated values in the form of a code were approved.