General Shareholders Meeting

Shareholders’ rights and their observance are important principles of corporate governance of Kazakhtelecom JSC. The Company treats all sharehol­ders, including minority shareholders, equally regardless of their sharehol­ding and communicates information in an equal manner.

In 2022, the Company held 4 General Shareholders’ Meetings (1 annual and 3 extraordinary ones) where the issues of approval of annual financial statements, payment of dividends, amendments to the Company’s Charter, changes in the composition of the Board of directors, including reduction of the number of members of the Board of directors were considered.

Kazakhtelecom JSC discloses information in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On securities market” and “On joint stock companies” as well as in accordance with the requirements of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC, Astana International Exchange Ltd., and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Internet resources of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC (, Astana International Exchange Ltd. ( and Information and Accounting Center JSC ( publish information on the composition of the management body and the executive body of the Company, on corporate events, on the composition of major shareholders, upcoming general meetings of shareholders and their results, on issues of securities, as well as financial statements and other information for the benefit of shareholders and investors.

In addition, for broader shareholder and stakeholder outreach, information is disclosed on the Company’s website.