Materiality analysis

GRI 3-1

In accordance with the updated non-financial reporting standard GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) dated June 30, 2022, during the reporting period, when preparing the current Annual Report, a materiality assessment was carried out based on an analysis of significant potential and actual impacts of the Company. The assessment was the result of joint work of the Company’s management and representatives of stakeholders.

For the assessment, a series of interviews were conducted with the Company’s internal stakeholders, in which the Company’s significant impacts on the economy, the environment and human rights were discussed. The views of external stakeholders were also taken into account. Based on the results of interviews and surveys, the Company’s management ranked the identified impacts in terms of their significance and relevance, as well as grouped them to form a list of material topics.

Social aspects
  1. Labor/Management relations;
  2. Employment;
  3. Occupational Health and Safety;
  4. Local communities;
  5. Training and education of employees;
  6. Diversity and Equal Opportunity;
  7. Compensation and social programs for employees;
  8. Compliance of human rights;
  9. Work stress and resilience.
Environmental aspects
  1. Biodiversity;
  2. Climate change and carbon;
  3. Energy Efficiency;
  4. Pollutant emissions;
  5. Waste management;
  6. Water resource management.
Corporate governance aspects
  1. Anti-corruption;
  2. Indirect economic impacts;
  3. Economic performance;
  4. Procurement practices;
  5. Markets and competition;
  6. Innovations and new technologies;
  7. Corporate ethics;
  8. Information security and data protection.
GRI 3-2

Compared to the topics covered in the 2021 Integrated ­Annual Report, the topics “Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining”, “Support for Organizations/Government Bodies”, “Non-Discrimination”, “Quality of Services”, “Environmental Compliance” were not included in the list material topics based on the results of the materiality assessment in 2022, and the topics “Employment”, “Local Communities”, “Compensation and Social Programs for Employees”, “Work Stress and Sustainability”, “Indirect Economic Impacts”, “Procurement Practices”, “Corporate Ethics” and “Information Security and Data Protection” were selected as significant in the reporting period.

Plans for 2023 and the medium term

The Company plans to carry out the following activities aimed at achieving the implementation of sustainable development goals:

  1. Implementation of the action plan for the transition to low-carbon development until 2030.
  2. Inclusion of target indicators in the field of sustainable development in the system of motivation of top management.
  3. Obtaining an international ESG rating.
  4. Updating the Stakeholder Map.