Corporate ethics

GRI 2-23

Corporate ethics issues are governed by the Code of Business Conduct and the Corporate Governance Code. The Code of Business Conduct and the Corporate Governance Code are public documents and are freely distributed by the Company to employees, shareholders, customers, partners, and other stakeholders. The provisions of the Code of Business Conduct and the Corporate Governance Code are mandatory for all categories of employees and officers.

All the Company’s officers and employees assume the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code under the appropriate agreements. In addition, the Company’s officers and employees sign a Statement of Familiarity with the Code of Business Conduct and regularly confirm their knowledge of the Code.

The Company conducts regular training for officers and employees to understand the Code of Business Conduct, the role of the Ombudsman and the availability of the system for reporting suspected violations.

The main principles of the Company’s business ethics are:

  • compliance with legal requirements;
  • fairness;
  • good faith;
  • transparency;
  • liability;
  • competence and professionalism;
  • trust;
  • meritocracy.

The Ombudsman ensures compliance with the principles of business ethics and optimal regulation of social and labor disputes.