Stakeholder Engagement
Qualitative involvement of stakeholders is one of the most important aspects of stable and successful development of Kazakhtelecom JSC.
The setting of the Company’s strategic goals and their fulfillment are significantly influenced by the interests and requirements of stakeholders. The values of respect and consideration of the interests, opinions and preferences of stakeholders, prompt, and frequent contact with them, as well as responsible fulfillment of the obligations assumed are key components in the development of long-term partnerships.
Kazakhtelecom JSC identifies two categories of stakeholders:
- the immediate circle (area of close influence) includes groups of interested parties that have a material influence on the decisions taken by the Company or are affected by these decisions;
- a long-range (area of indirect influence) includes groups of interested parties that have less significant influence on the decisions taken by the Company.
In the reporting period, the Company’s Stakeholder Map remained the same. In 2023, it is planned to update it to comply with the world’s leading practices in the field of sustainable development.
Stakeholder map
Stakeholder engagement
- increasing the value of the Company;
- receipt of dividends;
- stability and scale;
- transparency;
- effective risk management;
- maximization of the value of the Company and the amount of dividends.
- allocation of financial funds;
- replenishment of charter capital.
- payment of dividends;
- approval of annual financial statements and non-financial statements;
- implementation of the SERPIN transformation program;
- holding meetings, negotiations, meetings;
- holding polls, questioning, testings.
- results and achievements of the Company;
- prospects for the Company’s development;
- human resources and social policy;
- employee engagement and development prospects;
- material and intangible incentive measures, youth policy;
- collective bargaining agreement.
- human resources;
- loyalty.
- taking measures to ensure zero injuries;
- regular meetings with management, holding negotiations;
- functioning of internal communication channels, hotline;
- safe and decent working conditions;
- ensuring professional development and professional development.
- assistance in working with state authorities;
- commercial interests.
- respect for the interests of shareholders.
- regular monitoring of the performance of subsidiaries;
- continued work on developing the mobile business together with subsidiaries;
- participation of subsidiaries in making strategic decisions of the Company as a shareholder.
- responsibility and protection of employees;
- Collective bargaining agreement;
- compliance with laws and regulations.
- Promoting social stability;
- regulation of employment relations and resolution of conflicts..
- compliance with all clauses of the Collective Agreement;
- provision of material assistance to Company employees in the form of interest-free loans;
- holding public hearings;
- functioning of internal communication channels, whistle-blowing hotline.
- commercial interests.
- joint implementation of projects;
- transfer of technologies, competencies and innovations.
- participation of partners in making strategic decisions of the Company as a shareholder;
- meetings, negotiations, business correspondence;
- reports on current activity.
- commercial interests;
- qualitative characteristics of services;
- continuity of services;
- qualified service support.
- loyalty of the Company;
- financial resources through the acquisition of goods and services.
- online services;
- increasing and improving channels of support services;
- customer feedback system;
- customer satisfaction analysis;
- conclusion of contracts.
- performance of legislative and executive functions;
- implementation of the state telecommunications policy, creation of jobs.
- state regulation.
- meetings, negotiations, business correspondence;
- provision of reports on current activity;
- review of compliance with laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- informing the public about the Company’s activities.
- constructive cooperation;
- positive public opinion.
- publication of information on the Company in the mass media;
- social networks, hotline.
- development of international cooperation between member states of the ITU, RCC, exchange of experience, adoption of common standards in the use of technology;
- ensuring the requirements of international standards and agreements on sustainable development, fair and balanced growth in compliance with environmental norms and in the development of information and communication services.
- international grants;
- opportunities for future development.
- conferences, sessions, forum meetings;
- signing agreements, contracts and memoranda, cooperation agreements.
- employment opportunities;
- quality of services;
- attractiveness of service tariffs;
- receipt of charitable assistance;
- health safety.
- Local support.
- development of regions of presence;
- interaction via social networks, hotline;
- reputation audit;
- charitable activities.