Economic performance of the Company

Management of material topics

GRI 3-3

The economic component of Kazakhtelecom JSC activity plays an important role in strategic planning both for the Company itself and for the state economy. It is aimed at increasing long-term value for shareholders and investors, which is one of the Company’s priorities.

Being the largest telecommunications operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Company strives to make a significant contribution to implementation of the strategic direction on modernization and diversification of the country’s economy and promotes development of local content. Performance of socially and state significant tasks facilitates effective cooperation of the Company with the state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which as a result ensures contribution to strengthening and forming leading positions of Kazakhtelecom JSC in key markets.

GRI 201-1

Kazakhtelecom JSC strives to make a significant contribution to economic activity in the regions of its presence, providing economic opportunities to those who are not active in the local economy.

Direct economic value generated and distributed, million KZT

GRI 2-6, 201-1
Indicator 2022
1. Created direct economic value 327,710
Income (revenue) 278,111
Income from financial investments 49,599
Income from sale of tangible assets 0
Other income 0
2. Allocated economic value 305,026
Operating expenses 144,454
Wages, salaries and other payments and benefits to employees 88,700
- including wages and salaries and 86,253
- including other payments and benefits to employees 2,447
Payments to providers of capital 60,013
- including dividends paid 39,512
- including finance costs 20,502
Payments to the government 11,859
Investments in local communities 0
3. Undistributed economic value 22,684