Equity сapital structure

Owners of Kazakhtelecom JSC’s ordinary shares as of 01.01.2023

GRI 2-1, 2-6
Shareholders Number of shares Share of outstanding common shares (%)23 Share of common shares in circulation (%)24
Samruk-Kazyna JSC 5,570,668 51.00% 52.03%
State Institution “Committee of State Property and Privatization of the Ministry of finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 3,084,983 28.24% 28.81%
Depository receipts (nominee holder — BNY Mellon) 1,046,150 9.58% 9.77%
Other shareholders with less than 5%24 1,004,313 9.19% 9.38%
Repurchased shares 216,852 1.99%
Total authorised ordinary shares 10,922,876 100.00%

23 The share is calculated on the total number of outstanding common shares.
24 The share is calculated on the total number of outstanding common shares minus treasury shares.

As of January 01, 2023, members of the Management Board and Board of Directors of the Company do not own ordinary shares of Kazakhtelecom JSC, there is no cross ownership of shares.

The authorized capital of the Company amounts to KZT 12,136,529 thousand consisting of 10,922,876 ordinary shares and 1,213,653 preferred shares. The nominal value of one share is KZT 1,000. The fraction of Kazakhtelecom JSC’s preferred shares from the total number of issued shares makes up 10%.

Common and preferred shares of Kazakhtelecom JSC were included in the official list of Kazakhstani stock exchange JSC (hereinafter Exchange) of “A” category since October 16, 1997. Since September 1, 2008, they were transferred to the first category of the Exchange’s official list.

At the moment the Company’s ordinary and preferred shares are included in the “Premium” category of the official list of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC and are traded on the main floor of the exchange.

On April 28, 2006 the state block of shares of Kazakhtelecom JSC was transferred to Kazakhstan holding on management of state assets Samruk JSC established pursuant to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of February 23, 2006 No. 117 for effective management of the state shares of a number of the largest companies of Kazakhstan. Sovereign Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC (hereinafter referred to as SWF Samruk-Kazyna JSC, the Fund) was founded by the decision of the Republic of Kazakhstan Government dated October 17, 2008 No 962 “About measures on realization of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 13, 2008 No. 669” by merge of joint stock companies “Sustainable Development Fund “Kazyna” and “Kazakhstan Holding for Management of State Assets “Samruk”. To date, the Fund is the largest shareholder of the Company.

In May 2022, the Committee for State Property and Privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan became the second major shareholder of Kazakhtelecom JSC.

Due to events in the first quarter of 2022 in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the world, the value of Kazakhtelecom JSC shares decreased compared to the value at the end of 2021. During 2022 the minimum price of the Company’s ordinary shares reached KZT 25,603.02, while the minimum price of preferred shares reached KZT 19,900.00.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, on the threshold of the date of fixing the list of shareholders for payment of dividends from undistributed profits for 2022 in the amount of KZT 3,590.39 per one ordinary share, there was a short-term increase in the price of Kazakhtelecom JSC shares. After the deadline for inclusion in the lists for payment of dividends and reduction to the minimum level of 2022, the value of Kazakhtelecom JSC shares continued a gradual recovery until the end of 2022. By results of the last trading day of December 2022 the value of ordinary shares of Kazakhtelecom JSC (ISIN KZ0009093241) on the Exchange made up KZT 28,362.32, the value of preferred shares of Kazakhtelecom JSC (ISIN KZ0009094645) made up KZT 22,500.00.

Chart of changes in the market value of shares, KZT

25.01 11.01 08.02 22.02 08.03 22.03 15.04 19.04 03.05 17.05 31.05 14.06 28.06 12.07 26.07 09.08 23.08 06.09 20.09 04.10 18.10 01.11 15.11 29.11 13.12 27.12 18,000 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000