ESG Strategic Goals

GRI 2-23


Electricity is one of the energy-intensive resources used by Kazakhtelecom JSC. In view of this, the Company is making every effort to reduce electricity consumption, making the most significant contribution to the fight against climate change.

KPI “Reducing the Consumption of Energy and Natural Resources”
Goal until 2032: 2% per year

reducing electricity consumption

In 2022: 13.2%6

decrease of electricity consumption

6 Thanks to the implementation of the Action Plan for the transition to low-carbon development, deduplication and replacement of copper networks with modern fiber optic technologies, decommissioning of energy-consuming equipment, energy consumption decreased by 13.2% in 2022 compared to 2021.


Kazakhtelecom JSC is the leading telecommunications company in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as a major employer that creates jobs throughout the country. The Company is aware of how its presence in a particular region affects the quality of life of residents and employees and takes all available measures to manage this impact.

In 2022, the Company continued striving to improve the quality of life of the population and ensure social stability in the regions where it operates. In addition, the Company’s focus is on ensuring the well-being of employees. The Company annually conducts a sociological study by Samruk Research Services (SRS) in order to determine social stability based on three key indicators:

  • Engagement Index;
  • Social Wellbeing Index;
  • Social Security Index.
KPI “Social Stability Index”
Goal until 2032: 64-79%

level maintaining

In 2022: 67%
KPI “Zero injury”
Goal until 2032: 2


In 2022: 0.06 (LTIFR)


Kazakhtelecom JSC builds and maintains an effective system of corporate governance in accordance with all requirements and international best practices, striving to take into account the interests of a wide range of stakeholders.

KPI “Corporate Governance Rating”
Goal until 2032: AA

level maintaining

In 2022: ВВВ