Местные сообщества

Management of material topics

GRI 3-3

Kazakhtelecom JSC pays great attention to social activity, which is one of the important components of corporate social responsibility of business. Every year, the Company carries out the work on improvement of approach to the management of relations with local communities at various corporate levels.

In 2022, Kazakhtelecom JSC continued its work on supporting local communities in the regions of its presence. The Company’s interaction with local communities is governed by the provisions of both national and international documents: Corporate Governance Code, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), IFC and EBRD Environmental and Social Standards, UN Principles for Responsible Investment, etc.

The sponsorship activity of Samruk-Kazyna Group of Companies, of which Kazakhtelecom JSC is a part, is carried out by the Social Projects Development Fund Samruk-Kazyna Trust, which implements socially significant projects.

Creation of economic value for stakeholders

GRI 413-1

Kazakhtelecom JSC contributes to improving the quality of life of the population in the regions of its presence by developing and supporting social and educational programs. Within the framework of the social aspect of sustainable development, the Company adheres to the principle of transparency of its activity and its impact, focusing on reducing the negative impact on the environment. As part of one of these social programs, the Company actively cooperates with veterans’ centers in the regions where it operates, and food baskets are collected for veterans as part of this assistance.

In the first quarter of 2022, during the tragic events of January, Kazakhtelecom JSC implemented subscriber support programs for all residents of the country in each region of its operation. Within the framework of these programs, subscribers were provided with the following types of assistance:

  • Unlimited long-distance calls, as well as 1000 minutes to numbers of mobile operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan from fixed city telephone at no extra charge for all subscribers;
  • 50% discount for subscribers — representatives of small and medium business on the OFD (Operator of Fiscal Data) service and the Internet.

Moreover, in September 2022, in connection with the large-scale emergency of natural character (forest fires) in Kostanay region, the Company also rendered assistance to all victims, including small and medium businesses, residents of Auliekol district, in the form of release and write-off of debts and penalties on subscriber fees for the services provided.

The Company has no special units that implement programs of interaction with local communities, as the Company does not directly impact the infrastructure and local communities. According to the new Charity Policy of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, all charitable and sponsorship activities of Samruk-Kazyna Group of Companies are carried out by the Social Projects Development Fund Samruk-Kazyna Trust.

The Company’s activity within the framework of social responsibility of business applies to 100% of Kazakhtelecom JSC’s divisions.

GRI 413-2

Kazakhtelecom JSC is a company of the telecommunications industry, the consequences of which do not have a significant negative impact on local communities. However, the Company considers opinions of local communities and their appeals that are received from stakeholders through the customer support service.

The Company is attentive to the environmental impact of its operations. More detailed information on this is provided in the section “Biodiversity” on page 71.

Kazakhtelecom JSC operates in all regions of Kazakhstan and is a major employer and taxpayer. The Company makes tax payments in full, on time and with a high level of transparency.

The Company’s contribution to the local and national economy and local communities is expressed in:

  • direct business activity and focus on improving efficiency;
  • creation of direct and indirect employment opportunities;
  • social investments.

Kazakhtelecom JSC realizes the importance of its participation in sustainable development of the regions of its presence and takes all available measures to enhance its positive impact on the life of local communities. The Company is a major employer in the regions of its presence and makes a significant contribution to local labor markets. This responsible approach is developed as part of the Company’s Development Strategy. Direct economic value is created through the Company’s core activities, which generate income. The economic value created is distributed through the payment of wages, dividends, taxes and other payments to the state, the purchase of goods and services, and voluntary social investments.

Regional development

In 2022, Kazakhtelecom JSC continued the work on supporting development and installation of eQoldau devices in the regions of presence. EQoldau is an effective tool in the fight against “digital inequality”.

The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with Kazakhtelecom, is creating a network of open points in rural settlements.

EQoldau is a device like a payment acceptance device, but in fact it is a full-fledged computer equipped with a touchscreen display, screen key, printer and sound device.

With its help, the villagers will be able to:

  • to receive government services;
  • to use the service of the electronic labor exchange;
  • purchase equipment and various goods in online stores;
  • purchase railway and air tickets;
  • make online payments for utility services;
  • to make transfers;
  • the possibility to use all the capabilities of the portal “Азаматтарға арAtлған үкімет”(Government for citizens), Portal Egov.kz and the website of the Unified Pension Fund of the Unified State Pension Fund;
  • order postal services and courier deliveries.

In addition to the aforementioned services, the eQoldau may distribute a Wi-Fi signal, so the rural people can easily connect to and use the Internet on their phones.

Plans for 2023 and the medium term

Development and approval of the Policy of interaction with local communities of Kazakhtelecom JSC.

Setting objectives of the Company for the development of local communities.

Introduction of the practice of monitoring local community development programs and charitable programs.