Financial activity for 2022

GRI 2-6

In 2022, the Company achieved positive results in the implementation of the Long-Term Strategy.

According to the results of the work of Kazakhtelecom JSC for 2022:

2,651,454 units

the number of fixed lines in the network of Kazakhtelecom JSC (or 95.6% compared to the fact of 2021). The decrease in the number of fixed lines is explained by the refusal of users from fixed telephony services in favor of mobile communications, which is in line with global trends

1,863,228 ports

the number of broadband subscribers (or 100.1% compared to the fact of 2021)

930,682 points

the number of pay TV subscribers (or 101.3% compared to the fact of the last year)

14,548,861 subscribers

the number of mobile subscribers (or 100.04% compared to the fact of 2021)

Dynamics of ARPU5, KZT

6,751 6,525 5,862 5,038 5,017 4,623 3,605 3 582 3,413 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 3,086

5 data on JSC.

634,496 million KZT

consolidated income from the sale of services for the Group of Companies of Kazakhtelecom JSC

285,288 million KZT

Profit before taxes, interest on loans and depreciation — EBITDA for 2022


the EBITDA margin, thanks to the implementation of a strategy aimed at improving operating efficiency and optimizing costs

460,238 million KZT

consolidated operating expenses (cost and expenses of the period) for the Group of Companies of Kazakhtelecom JSC

128,753 million KZT

consolidated net profit

Financial overview

Revenue structure across Kazakhtelecom Group, %

20% 48% 2% 2% 1% 3% 3% 4% 2% 3% 1% 7% 4% 0,5%
Mobile communication Agreements with international operators Intercity, international telephone communication Corporate infocommunication services Local telephony communications Rental of transport network channels Conversations with subscribers of third-party operator, including cellular communication operators Other Revenue from the provision of converged services (FMS/FMC) Pay TV Revenue from sales of goods Services of Operator of fiscal data (OFD) Revenue under agreements with communication operators connected to the network of Kazakhtelecom JSC Data transmission network

Income is the largest in 2022:

  • from the services of the data transmission network, the share in the total revenue structure of Kazakhtelecom JSC equaled 48%;
  • from mobile communications, the share in the total revenue structure was 20%;
  • income from the sale of goods, the share in the total structure of income equaled 7%;
  • from the provision of local telephone services, the share in the total income structure was 4%;
  • income from the provision of converged services (FMS/FMC), the share in the total structure of income was 4%;
  • from corporate information and communication services 2%;
  • pay TV, share in the total revenue structure 3%;
  • under agreements with telecom operators connected to the network of Kazakhtelecom JSC with a share in the overall structure of income — 3%;
  • from other services with a share in the total income structure — 3%;
  • conversations with subscribers of third-party operators, including mobile operators with a share in the total revenue structure of 2%;
  • under agreements with international operators with a share in the total revenue structure of 2%.

Dynamics of the most significant income items for 5 years, million KZT

27,031 23,070 125,951 37,483 298,972 122,000 27,031 27,687 120,186 33,233 268,006 118,050 23,614 29,580 96,504 29,861 244,101 103,671 18,831 31,190 69,736 44,891 177,981 85,451 14,293 34,170 24,268 43,700 104,737 5,000
Local communication Long-distance/international telephone communication Data transmisson services Operator segment Mobile communication Other services

Changes in the structure of income in 2022 relative to 2021, million KZT

50,101 298,972 37,483 125,941 122,000
Subscriber segment Data transmission services Operator segment Other services Mobile communication
54,718 268,006 33,233 120,186 118,050
Subscriber segment Data transmission services Operator segment Other services Mobile communication