Management approach

At Kazakhtelecom JSC, we understand that the sustainable development agenda requires close attention and joint efforts of companies in Kazakhstan and around the world, and with a willingness and a high level of involvement, we work on our contribution to achieving a sustainable future.

The company strives to build an effective management system in the field of sustainable development. Kazakhtelecom JSC has developed a Policy in the field of sustainable development, which includes the main principles of the Company in this area:


We are open to dialogue with all interested parties in order to build long-term cooperation based on mutual interests, respect for rights and a balance between our interests and the interests of stakeholders.


We are aware of our responsibility for the impact on the economy, the environment and society and our accountability to shareholders and investors for the growth of long-term value and sustainable development of the Company on a long-term basis.


All our decisions and actions are based on transparency and timely disclosure of information to stakeholders.

Ethical behavior

Our decisions and actions are based on our values, such as respect, honesty, openness, team spirit and trust, integrity and fairness.


We respect the rights and interests of interested parties.


We make decisions and act in compliance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Intolerance to corruption

We show zero tolerance for corruption in all its manifestations in cooperation with all stakeholders. Officials and employees involved in corruption cases are subject to dismissal and prosecution in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Respect for human rights

We observe and promote the observance of human rights provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We categorically reject and prohibit the use of child labor. Our employees are our main value and main resource, the results of our activities and the value created for investors directly depend on the level of their professionalism and safety.

No Conflict of Interest

All violations related to a conflict of interest may damage the Company’s reputation and undermine the confidence in them on the part of shareholders and other interested parties, and the personal interests of an official or employee should not affect the impartial performance of their official, functional duties.

Personal example

Each of us daily in our actions, behavior and decision-making contributes to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development.

Improving the sustainable development system is an integral part of the Strategy of Kazakhtelecom JSC until 2024. The Company has formulated the Mission of Kazakhtelecom JSC in the field of sustainable development, which is to meet the needs of the present, preserving and expanding opportunities for future generations, to make a positive contribution to the socio-economic development of the regions in which it operates.

By creating and implementing internal policies that regulate various aspects of sustainable development, as well as introducing the principles of sustainable development into the corporate governance structure, Kazakhtelecom JSC continues to develop the practice of corporate sustainability management.

GRI 2-23

The main principles of Kazakhtelecom JSC in the field of sustainable development are reflected in the main policies and documents in the field of ESG:

  • Sustainable Development Policy (updated in the first half of 2023) (approved by Decision of the Board of Directors No. 5 dated April 21, 2023);
  • Environmental Policy (updated in the first half of 2023) (approved by Decision of the Board of Directors No. 5 dated April 21, 2023);
  • Policy in the field of safety and labor protection (approved by the Decision of the Board No. 2/7 of January 27, 2020);
  • Guidelines for sustainable development (approved by the Decision of the Board No. 5 of April 21, 2023);
  • Anti-Corruption Policy (amended by decision of the Board of Directors No. 5 dated April 22, 2022) (approved by decision of the Board of Directors No. 9 dated March 29, 2019);
  • Policy for notification of alleged unethical/illegal actions (amended and amended by decision of the Board of Directors No. 10 dated September 20, 2022) (approved by decision of the Board of Directors No. 9 dated March 29, 2019);
  • Employee Experience Strategy (approved by Decision of the Board of Directors No. 8 dated July 21, 2021);
  • Code of Business Ethics (approved by Decision of the Board of Directors No. 14 dated May 28, 2019);
  • Corporate Governance Code (approved by the Decision of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting No. 56 dated December 7, 2015);
  • Reference model for sustainable development for portfolio companies of Samruk-Kazyna JSC;
  • Procurement Management Standard of Samruk-Kazyna JSC;
  • International standards ISO 14001, ISO 26000, ISO 9001, ISO 45001.