Big Data development

One of the important results of the activities of the Information Technology Division in the past year can be called the promotion of work with big data in the Company, as well as the introduction of Big Data analytics as a tool to generate additional income for the company and maintain leadership positions in the market.

billion KZT projected economic effect based on the results of ongoing projects for 2022

Last year, as part of the digital transformation, a separate structural unit “Data Factory” was created based on the Division, and a large-scale project “Sandbox — sandbox” was successfully implemented, aimed at testing different solutions or ideas based on data analysis. During this project, employees from Big Data departments, together with Data Factory specialists, test various hypotheses and, on their basis, create products for clients or solutions for internal use. Last year alone, about 76 hypotheses were tested in the “sandbox”, of which 17 have grown into existing projects, and six are already bringing economic benefits. Among them are tools and services aimed at increasing the subscriber base, improving service, efficient use of the capital investment budget, increasing users of OFD and TV + services, as well as retail customers who use package offers of Kazakhtelecom JSC. Already today, thanks to the analysis of big data, the Company’s specialists are developing targeting and personalized offers, working with the outflow of subscribers, developing, and implementing a proactive monitoring system that allows predicting possible failures in the operation of IT equipment and reducing its downtime by up to 10%, thereby ensuring uninterrupted provision of communication services.

Today, the economic effect based on the results of ongoing projects for 2022 is projected at the level of KZT 14 billion, in 2023 the FCF from new projects is planned to be 30% more.